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외국계보험사 - Claims & Operations Management Support

주선영2014-12-17조회수 : 25500

직급 : 과~차장급 (정규직)


담당업무 :

- Work for the operational co-ordination of workflows and SOPs amongst all units within the Claims Department.
- Review and troubleshoot claims workflow problems related to system and process issue.
- Act as a Claim champion for projects that affect claims structure and workflow, including system related matters, to ensure operational efficiency.
- Review, co-ordinate and liaise with IT Department to enhance and upkeep Claims’ system operational requirements. This includes raising of BRD/ROSS and related claims reports generation.
- Understand Claims’ needs and requirements viz-a-viz the functional system that are being used system applications.
- Connect Claims’ operational requirements to System support. This will involve a Claims Liaison person with IT to get system related resolution.
- Analyze Claims information from data reports to help identify claims trends and movements.
- Prepare and deliver all claims management reports ensuring promptness and accuracy
- Support the monitoring of Claims Shared Service and Outsource Service Providers.
- Help the department achieve operational alignment and consolidation.


자격요건 :
- 최소 2년 Claims Operations 업무 (손해사정 업무)
- 4th type Adjuster License (highly preferred)
- Operational Efficiency through Alignment, Consolidation, Simplification of structure, process and system.
- 영어가능자
- 해당업무 10년이상 경험자 (손해보험 Claims경력필수)

※서류 검토 후, 본 포지션에 적합한 분에 한하여 개별 연락 드리겠습니다

Tel, 02-701-7342 

첨부파일 다운로드

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