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[외국계손보사] Claims Tech Adjuster

TRS 헤드헌팅2014-10-15조회수 : 32938

[외국계손보사] Claims Tech Adjuster (사원-대리)



  • 글로벌 손해보험사



  • 고용형태: 정규직

  • 근무부서: Claims Tech 부서

  • 직급: 사원-대리급

  • 근무지: 서울 중구

  • 연봉: 회사내규에 따름 (경력에 따른 협의 가능)

  • 근무시작일: ASAP


To assist in the overall claim processing in the A&H Technical unit:


  • Receives claim assignments from manager and contacts customer for provision of service

  • Recommends policies and objectives consistent with company’s strategies to ensure efficient operation

  • Coordinates with outside vendors to facilitate best strategy for claims investigation and loss control

  • Collects/manages A&H claim-related data to monitor performance and in furtherance of loss control

  • Liaises with other claim lines and PC’s re specific, work-related, matters.

  • Actively follows claim & company management guidelines

  • Prepares loss assessments and recommends payment amounts to his supervisors

  • Settles claims up to her/his limit of authority

  • Directly undertakes prosecution or defense of litigation involving minor claims and defends the company against complaints involving handled claims, all under supervision

  • Informs her/his supervisor of status of any handled claims involving litigation, large exposure, complaints to FSS, or other issues of management concern/interest

  •  Settles claims up to his/her limit of authority

  •  promptly informs his/her supervisor of any special risk circumstances as may be revealed by investigations

  •  Explains claim decisions to customers when warranted

  •  Prepares LN for review and distribution by her manager



  • Minimum 5 years of experience in Claims.

  • Good interpersonal/communication skills to effectively manage relationship with claimants and others.

  • Ability to work independently and as a team player in a fast-paced, challenging working environment.

  • 손해사정사 4, 신체손해사정사 자격증 보유자 우대



  • 1차 서류전형

  • 2차 면접전형



  • 국문이력서, 자기소개서 & 영문이력서, 커버레터



  • 이메일(sypark@r-star.co.kr)제출

  • 이메일 제목: 성함_생년_성별_포지션명 (: 이름_79년생__회계)을 꼭 지켜주시기 바랍니다.

  • 면접은 서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통보 합니다.

  • 채용시 마감



  • 박시연 헤드헌터 ㈜더라이징스타

  • 직통전화: 02-518-4586

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